Do Super Quick Maths Calculation Using Vedic Method

Posted by geek

Teaching Mental Maths Tricks to Anyone and Everyone!

Learning to perform fast mental maths calculation will help you immensely irrespective of which field of life you deal with.Knowing these mental maths tricks will give you a positive edge over the others.Whether you are a student,aspiring engineer,statistician,scientist,school teacher or anyone else dealing with numbers,learning this quick mental tricks and techniques 
(popularly known as Vedic Maths techniques) is always going to benefit you.

You must have heard of Shakuntala Devi-the lady who performed maths calculations faster than a Computer,you can do it too, just with a little bit of practice.

For example, let say you want to multiply 52*11.This can be calculated in less than 1 second but if you want to do it traditionally,it will take you around 5-6 seconds.Isn't it?

So let see how using a simple mental maths trick,this calculation can be done in a matter of seconds...

To multiply 52 and 11,imagine there is a space between 52

52*11= 5_2 (Put an imaginary space in between)

Now,what to do with that space?

Just add 5 and 2 and put the result in the imaginary space

So, 52 * 11 =572 (which is your answer)

Isn't it great?

Lets try some more examples:

1) 35 * 11 = 3 (3+5) 5 = 385

2) 81 * 11 = 8 (8+1) 1 = 891

3) 72 * 11 = 7 (7+2) 2 = 792 etc..

With just a little bit of practice you can easily perform these simple mental maths tricks in the blink of an eye.

People sitting for competitive exams often complain that they could not complete the Question paper within a certain time period as the paper was too length(l)y.But for your information,let me tell you that all papers of all competitive exams are so designed that students can finish it within the given time period.Its just that student do not have the required efficiency.So in tight time constraint situation where time plays a very important role,knowing these quick mental maths techniques will give you an edge over your competitors.It will be your X-Factor.It will give you that sharpness and smartness required to crack any competitive exams.

Lets take an example of this sum which has been taken from the 2010 question paper of a Popular Bank PO Examination (Aptitude Section):

(Q) Is 456138 divisible by 9?

Now, it only takes 2 seconds for you to determine the answer.But if you go by the traditional way then it will take you 10 seconds.So you can see the difference.Those 8 extra seconds you win,you can spend on other question.Isn't it?

No let see the solution

(Answer) To test whether a certain large number is divisible by 9 or not,'just add all the digits of the number and if the end result is divisible by 9,then you can say that the entire large number will be divisible by 9 too'.


Now since 27 is divisible by 9 so 456138 will be divisible by 9 too.

 By now you must have some idea, how important it is to know these mental maths tricks.Knowing these simple calculation techniques gives you an advantage over others and can get you a job,get you crack any competitive exams and much more.

Here are few more mental maths tricks..

Multiply any large number by 12 mentally in seconds

To multiply any number by 12 just double last digit and thereafter double each digit and add it to its neighbour

For example  21314 * 12 =  255768

Lets break it into simple steps:

Step 1: 021314 * 12 =  _____8 (Double of Last Digit 4= 8 )

Step 2: 021314 * 12 =  ____68 (Now Double 1= 2, and add it to 4, 2+4=6)

Step 3: 021314 * 12=   ___768 (Now Double 3=6, and add it to 1, 6+1=7)

Step 4: 021314 * 12=   __5768 (Now Double 1=2, and add it to 3, 2+3=5)

Step 5: 021314 * 12=   _55768 (Now Double  2=4, and add it to 1, 4+1=5)

Step 6: 021314 * 12=   255768 (Now Double 0=0, and add it to 2, 0+2=2)

So your final answer of 21314 * 12 = 255768

Another example...

Calculating Square of numbers quickly...

Lets calculate the square of 54
So (54)^2 = 5^2 +4 -- 4^2 = 25 +4 ----16 =29-------16= 2916

Similarly (55)^2 = 5^2 +5 --5^2=25+5------25=30---------25= 3025

Similarly (56)^2 = 5^2 + 6--6^2=25+6------36= 31--------36= 3136 etc..

Similarly try out squares of 57,58 etc..

These are just few of the many Mental Maths Tricks possible.There are numerous other maths tricks for fast calculation.If you like these mental maths tricks and feel the necessity to know all the other tricks then Download and Save the entire 'Mental Maths Tricks' ebook to your PC.But remember this amazing book is not free (as expected) so you will have to buy it.It has been released only a few months ago and 90000 (approx) copies has been sold already.So Hurry Up, and Download this amazing mental maths book now.


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nagraj kudari said...

helpfull for poor people

Anonymous said...

These tricks are awesome and definitely save lot of time which is very helpful in exam and specially in competitive examination where time saving is very difficult so such tricks are very helpful.
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Unknown said...

n1 tricks...

Unknown said...

This trick doesn't works all the time. Take example of 39.

Unknown said...

Guys this works only for 2 digits in the range of 50-59.. Thats it. It's not a generic logic... So thumbs down for this...

Unknown said...

Vedic Maths is fun to learn and hence work... It really makes calculation easy...
I have been taking tutorial for vedic maths online. vedic math techniques are very clearly stated in this online coaching for cat by a very experienced teacher... It is def helping me hopeits helpful for you as well

Ravi said...

First i was very much afraid of maths but now i am enjoying all this. Really awesome techniques. thank u

Unknown said...

vedic maths is interesting but i don't think it can help to solve the problem mentally. Example that i know how to calculate 3-digit number multiple with other 3-digit number by vedic formula but it's still hard to do in mind if the problem is just called out, without writting. As i cannot remember the temporary results. Any advice on this issue?

Anonymous said...

do 64*11?

Prajakta Rudrawar said...

As i am teaching Vedic Maths since last 7 years to the students above 10 years, it is very important to learn a method properly .....

now to do 64x11=

6 (6+4) 4=
now 6 (10) 4
means add tense place now

(6+1) 0 4

Unknown said...

how we will multiply we can see that the addition of the two digits are not expanding to tense so we cant add the the previously added number for eg: 42x22=924
so 4(4+2)2=462 which is wrong according to the multiplication done by mr.prajakta sir after adding the 2 digits the number is expanding to tense place but not in my case so sir i would be glad if you can help me out of this..

Style burn said...

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Navneet said...

trick for 12 is nice

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

How's the Square of 69^2

Vipin Raunchhela said...

square technique fails for 69.....(69)^2=4762 but as per vedic maths its (69)^2=4581

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

It's very very easy for small kids and adults

Renuka said...

one can also try this
62^2 = 6^2+2...2+2...2^2 = 3844
64^2 = 6^2+4....4+4...4^4 = 4096

Suresh Rumalla said...

Very usdfull info to do fast caluclation competative examx

Unknown said...

It would be very easy if you understand the logic properly otherwise it will be just a formula nothing else. Anyway your answer will be like the following:

Unknown said...

good book

ajay said...

one more trick in vedic maths is multiplication with nines for eg you got to multiply 57956*99999 this may take you around 2 minutes in conventional method but less than 5 seconds in vedic maths let me explain how subtract one from the side which is not completely of nines(57956) which is 57955 now subtract 57955 from 99999 i.e. 42044 now combine both results 5795542044 and that is the answer

another example 45678*99999
45678-1 = 45677
upon combining 4567754322
you can use this trick for multiplication when one side is full of nines and other side consists of other nos.
it works under the sutra(aphorism)
ekanyunena purvena i.e. one less than before
(we subtracted one)
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Dude said...

the last trick does not work on other numbers lyk 77,64 n such..

Unknown said...

this works only between 50-59.this man is making us a mad head.

legend said...

last squares trick does not work for 49 69 etc...Please explain
according to Vedic 49*49 = (16+9----81=25---81=2581
But actually it is 49*49=2401

Unknown said...


shashikantroy said...

How will calculate square root of 92 or 79?

shashikantroy said...

how to easily find out the cube root of any no.?

Unknown said...

49 x 11 = 539
4+1 3 9 ( 4 + 9 = 13 ) The sum of digits more than 9 , this will work. Test yourself.

Unknown said...

Nice to see that blog commenting done right still has many benefits. Thanks for sharing your insights.

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

You can use this formula for taking out square of any number a×a 2 ab b×b like for
42×42=1764 1st do 2×2=4 then 2×4×2=16 write 6 and take 1 as carry now do 4×4 =16 add 1 carry the answer is 1764.

Unknown said...

You can use this formula for taking out square of any number a×a 2 ab b×b like for
42×42=1764 1st do 2×2=4 then 2×4×2=16 write 6 and take 1 as carry now do 4×4 =16 add 1 carry the answer is 1764.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Great post! Thanks you so much for the share. It is indeed a helpful one.

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Prince raj said...


Thanx for sharing information good work. keep it up.


Unknown said...

This post offered a ton of great ideas and easily accessible resources. There are a lot of ideas related to Maths for year 6 which I would use in my own classroom. The parent could also seek out a fellow homeschooling parent. This would be an option to send the student to that parent for her math instruction.

Unknown said...

This is the tricky maths. You should also concentrate on your mind for doing this. Remember in your mind, "Practice makes a man perfect." So, you need to solve more and more mathematics questions and answers 2015.

Unknown said...

Good info really.

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Unknown said...

Great work bro

Sankaran Namboodiri said...

in the case of multiplication by 54 is only working ithat not working in the case of 64

Sankaran Namboodiri said...

it is beneficial to students got interested in mathmatics

Unknown said...

it's easy to understand& ur explanation is nice

Hunu nixon said...

Just one word to say - A Big Thanks. I just love calculations and Maths is my best subject. Currently I am taking my Math tuitions from vce maths tutor Melbourne and these quick math calculations will help me a lot.

Hunu nixon said...

Amazing ideas to solve the long calculations, It will save time during exams as well. I have recently shifted to Australia and i am having private tuition's from the Maths Tutors in Melbourne also.

Unknown said...

amazing tricks to play with the kids.

Unknown said...

amazing tricks to play with the kids.

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

if you wanna to square any number containing
the last digit number is 5. so it is very
simple. For example.....

the square of 55 is
5*6=30 and 5*5=25
So it's square is 3025

Similarly square of 75 is
7*8=56 and 5*5=25
So it's square is 5625

similarly square of 145 is
14*15=210 and 5*5=25
So it's squre is 21025

It is only valid for last digit number is 5

Unknown said...

I think there is no trick for this. you can use the formula

Unknown said...

This trick is only between 50 to 59

Unknown said...

Nice trick

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The trick is fail because it is only valid between 50 to 59

For your question I have a trick but it is also valid between 60 to 69

62^2 = 6^2+2...2+2...2^2 = 3844
64^2 = 6^2+4....4+4...4^4 = 4096

Unknown said...

For your question I have a trick
But it is also valid between 40 to 49

41^2= 4*4......4*1+4*1......1*1 = 1681
43^2= 4*4......4*3+4*3......3*3 = 1849
49^2= 4*4......4*9+4*9......9*9 = 3408

But I strongly recommend that you can only use a*a+2ab+b*b
It is always valid for all numbers...

Unknown said...

If you wanna to square numbers like 99, 999, 9999, 99999 and go on it is very simple

The square of 99 is
99-01=98 and 99-98=01
So it's square is 9801

Similarly the square of 9999 is
9999-0001=9998 and 9999-9998=0001
So it's square is 99980001

You can see that there is a sequence...
So just remember the sequence....

And this trick is only valid for numbers contains only the value of 9 such that 99, 9999, 999999, 99999999

Unknown said...

If you wanna to square numbers like 11, 1111, 11111 it is very simple... For example

The square of 111 is

Similarly the square of 1111

Similarly the squre of 11111 is

You can see that there is a sequence...
If there is 3 digit value of 1 so you go on 123 and reverse 21 so it is 12321

This trick is only valid for such numbers like 11, 1111, 111111 only contains 1

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Dhruv Gupta said...

this tricks help very much in maths perion

Unknown said...

132*11 = 1_3_2 *11 = 1452

Unknown said...

Thanks.Good post. The vedic math solution please visit

naik said...

thanks for your good post

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Rocky said...

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Unknown said...

This tricks are awesome and very useful for complex calculation. Good information. Thank you...

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this is really a fantastic job whichever done so far?????

John Hill said...

Good work. Your article really help me on my paper presentation. keep on doing the good job.

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Unknown said...

2512×12 can u please explain discuss in short cut way of multiplying,as u shown the example of 21314×12

Unknown said...

2512×12 can u please explain discuss in short cut way of multiplying,as u shown the example of 21314×12

Unknown said...

write the number 2512 as 02512

Step 1: 02512 * 12 = _____4 (Double of Last Digit 2= 4 )

Step 2: 02512 * 12 = ____44 (Now Double 1= 2, and add it to 2, 2+2=4)

Step 3: 02512 * 12= ___144 (Now Double 5=10, and add it to 1, 10+1=11) carry 1

Step 4: 02512 * 12= __0144 (Now Double 2=4, and add it to 5 and to carry 1, 4+5+1=10) carry 1

Step 5: 02512 * 12= _30144 (Now Double 0=0, and add it to 2 and to carry 1, 0+2+1=3)

So your final answer of 2512 * 12 = 30144

Unknown said...

Square of 12 is not possible by your way so please tell

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

U are the topper na😂😂😂😂😂

Unknown said...

U are the topper na😂😂😂😂😂

Unknown said...

Wow, All the tricks are really helpful and time saving for everyone. It is very much exciting article.
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Garvit said...

it does not with many numbers.
Eg. 11^2
its not correct 11^2=121

sulekha said...

sulekha said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

For squaring any no. There is a simple technique which is applicable to all 2 digits no.
Ex 13^2 make both no. In divya and no we have two no 1 and 3
Now and last no .13+3=16
And multiply by first no.that is 13×1=13
And square last digit
Answer is 169

Unknown said...

This websites and its contents are very useful for sharpness of mind

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Really very helpful in fast mathematics

Thurky tech said...

this site very helpful to show my intallegence in many times

Thurky tech said...

this site very helpful to show my intallegence in many times

Unknown said...

Cn u tell me how cn we calculate square from 11 to 99

Unknown said...

How about 88x88?as per this method it will be 8x8+8....8×8=7264 but the result should be 7744.

Unknown said...

it was really something that can sharpen our mind
and make our calculations better
still the content can be improved
as some tricks can come out to be difficult to some new users

Unknown said...


blog is awesome and really helpful for readers.thanks for sharing.The information you have shared in this blog is very useful for all

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

the trick for 12 is wrong ..please multiply 523781*12

Unknown said...

and this formula is aloso not useful in case of 65^2

vignesh said...

This is nice Trick

Admin said...

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Admin said...

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Soumya said...

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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have an another formula to calculate squares and it is applicable to all.
Let no be 74.
Here we take last digit (4) as n and left over digits as p(7).
Formula is:-



=56---16 - 20(7)



Unknown said...

I have an another formula to calculate squares and it is applicable to all.
Let no be 74.
Here we take last digit (4) as n and left over digits as p(7).
Formula is:-



=56---16 - 20(7)



Unknown said...

I have an another formula to calculate squares and it is applicable to all.
Let no be 74.
Here we take last digit (4) as n and left over digits as p(7).
Formula is:-



=56---16 - 20(7)



Anonymous said...

Go to and be smart

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

88x88 is easy. How far from 100 is 88? 12. What's 88-12? 76 what's 12x12 144. Add the 1 from 144 to the 76 then apply the 44 to the end and you get 7744

Anonymous said...

69 is 31 away from 100. 69-31 is 38. 31x31 is 961 answer is 4761

Unknown said...

It's simply Awesome..................
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Unknown said...

its superb.........

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Yes u r right

Unknown said...

Yes u r right it's applicable for all numbers

Unknown said...

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Aishi said...
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Aishi said...

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Kabir said...

i didn't quite got the answer for the square 0f 29 with the trick of" multiplying numbers quickly". Can you explain....

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Unknown said...

Use (40-1)^2 = 1600 + 1 -80 = 1521

Devang acharya said...

By that method of multiplication give me the method nd sum

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Unknown said...

It's not 11 multiplication.. it's cross multiplication by vedic method.. don't confuse b/w two

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arul said...

Multiply by 22 can be done as multiply by 11 . At last multiply ans by 2 . Eg 42*22 take it as 42*11*2. 42*11=462
462*2= 924

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